# Rand Strings Syntax

Rand string was designed to express random numeric values. Can be unit based (percents, pixels, rems etc.).

Full API reference:

  // ...
  property : 'rand(min, max)',
  // ...


If you wanna update the random value after it's been declared, you can use the generate() function.

# Example usage

const example = new mojs.ShapeSwirl({
  parent: '#example',
  left: 0, top: 0,
  duration:       'rand(600, 1000)',
  radius:         'rand(10, 20)',
  pathScale:      'rand(.5, 1)',
  swirlFrequency: 'rand(2, 4)',
  swirlSize:      'rand(6, 14)',

document.getElementById('example').addEventListener( 'click', function (e) {
  const x = e.layerX,
    y = { [e.layerY]: e.layerY - 150 };
    .tune({ x, y })


Click anywere to see the updated random value